Friday, June 6, 2014

Genealogy Buffs

I've been a bit of a genealogy buff since I was a teenager. I've always loved old photos and stories about my family. has been a godsend for me.

My dad recently lent me the journal of my great-great-grandfather George. It's an old farm journal, with entries starting in the late 1920s and going through at least the mid-1950s. It's hard to read and, frankly, a bit depressing. Still, terribly fascinating.

I thought I might make a project out of it and transcribe it page by page. He writes and pastes articles about his friends and acquaintances, so it might be helpful for other people looking for information about their families in upstate New York.

So this is the blog of Grandpa George's journal. I've added punctuation to his writings to make it more readable. I keep the original spellings, for the most part.


  1. Thank you for this Becky! The woman who was found in Presque Isle Bay in November of 1935 was my great aunt. While the story was sad, it was great to read the article you posted.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Becky: Any chance I could get you to make a photo copy of page 5 of your Grandfather's journal? I would send a postage paid envelope for you to mail back to me.

    Please email me at

    Thank you!
